Thursday, February 11, 2010

Homework 2/11/10

Period 4 & 5
Have a rough draft of #2 and #3. Typed, double-spaced.
#2= Prologue to Tale- The events that led to the telling of your tale on The Pilgrimage and a general reason for writing the tale
#3= Your MORAL Tale (Remember that Morals are lessons about how to be a good human)

Don't know what a good human is? Think about this:
Are you a good person if you steal, kill, are greedy, rape, lie?
Notice how all of the above hurt people?
A Moral usually has to do with the not hurting of people or yourself.
Also think of Vices and virtues that you could perhaps incorporate.
Vices: an evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.

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