Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework 9/30/09

Period 4
Study for Vocab Quiz
Answer the following questions
1. How did the Anglo-Saxons compare to other cultures when it came to the roles of men and women?
2. Why weren't the Anglo-Saxons ruled by Art? What could you say about the definition of art and the reason why Anglo-Saxons weren't big on art?
3. Why are the Anglo-Saxons on the fence or right on the border of things? Name 2 examples.
4. How do you think that their being seafarers influenced their values and their production of art?
5. What similarities and differences do you see in the Anglo-Saxons and our modern day working class in regards to art and art being a luxury? (5 pts. Extra Credit if you answer this thoroughly)

Period 5
Post Vocab Sentences
Complete Anglo-Saxon Poster Project

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homework 9/24/09

Period 4 & 5

Complete the Anglo-Saxon Check up worksheet
Use the Anglo-Saxon packet or the Holt literature textbook

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homework 9/23/09

Period 4 & 5
1. Post Vocab Sentences
2. Create hand gestures with a partner

Scholarship Opportunity (scroll down and read the scholarship information. According to an email from Homa, the deadline is 10/13)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework 9/22/09

Period 4
Study for vocabulary quiz
Look at sample personal statements. Find one you will use for inspiration & 5

Monday, September 21, 2009

Period 4 & 5
Work on Your personal Statements. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVEN'T TURNED ANY IN!!!!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 9/17/09

Period 4 & 5
Post Vocab sentences
Type your second personal statement (double spaced)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homework 9/16/09

Period 4 & 5
1. On a separate sheet of paper or by printing the generic attacking the prompt sheet, do the first 3 steps of the Attacking the Prompt sheet using one of the college class prompts.
2. Study for Vocab Quiz
3. Have a typed rough draft of either: a.) One entire personal prompt b.) half of each personal prompt.

Remember that neither one should be less than 250 words and the combination of both responses should not exceed 1,000 words.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homework 9/15/09

Period 4
Complete the "Attacking the Prompt" packet for both prompt 1 and prompt 2.
Be ready to explain the logic of your outline.

Period 5
Complete the "Attacking the Prompt" packet for both prompt 1 and prompt 2.
Be ready to explain the logic of your outline.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homework 9/14/09

Period 4
Read " " answer the questions at the end and paraphrase the whole poem in different sections. You must determine the sections that the poem has and then split it up by paraphrasing. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

Period 5
Paraphrase the whole poem in different sections. You must determine the sections that the poem has and then split it. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Homework 9/11/09

Period 4
Read the packet and take notes.

Period 5
Read the packet and answer questions 1-4 at the end of the selection.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homework 9/10/09

Period 4 & 5

1. With a partner create a rubric for your revised essay.
Use the sample rubrics to create an ideal/fair rubric that can be used for the new version of your essay.
2. Type it in bulleted list form with the main categories in bold text.
The bulleted list will be the specific criterion.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homework 9/9/09

Period 4 & 5
Create Google account or sign in
to post vocab sentences

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homework 9/8/09

Period 4
Study for Vocab Quiz
2. Read and take notes on Anglo-Saxon packet
3. Read p. 6-17 in Holt textbook
4. Answer questions on quiz handout
5. Write a 1/2 page response telling me which method you like most. Which do you think is most efficient and which do you suppose is more complicated? Think about the level you are at, the level you should be and the level of each of the readings, then decide which version of the material you would prefer.

Period 5
1. Study for Vocab Quiz
2. Read and take notes on Anglo-Saxon packet (there may be a quiz)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Period 4 & 5
1. Complete your ENTIRE essay with all necessary components.
- Cover page (all in the same font)
- In text citations (done appropriately)
- Reference page (titled "References" and in proper formatting)

2. ONCE YOUR ESSAY IS COMPLETE, have someone else complete an editing sheet. If you still have major problems, fix them before you turn them into me.

3. Check the blog later at night if you want to see a rubric on how your essay will be graded.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Homework 9/2/09

Period 4 & 5
1. Complete your whole essay for it to include:
- all body paragraphs
- a conclusion
- in text citations accurately done (no web links in the middle of your paragraphs)
- cover page
- bibliography
2. Post Vocab sheets
3. Complete the editing sheet

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Homework 9/1/09

Period 4 & 5
If you have not gotten feedback from me in the past 5 days, email me a copy of your latest essay.
Study for vocabulary quiz.