Post Vocab Sentences
Bring in your thumb drive with a copy of it tomorrow.
Period 5
Bring in your thumb drive with a copy of it tomorrow.
Note: Please do not be disappointed if you receive another low grade for not investing enough time into your essay.
- If you still don't know what you need to do, at least CAREFULLY read the APA Bible.
In a courthouse, a lawyer is a emissary to a convict.
The Civil War was took a major part of the manumission.
A lot of young people talk with missives through myspace.
Adults pat their rent by remittance.
Teachers were compelled to talk about the students failing grades.
The U.S. are in Iraq to expel the Taliban.
Teachers were impelled to stand and speak about the pink slips.
The repulsion of bad students at SPA is not working because we still have some.
His instigation compelled me to react using violence.
The students were expelled when caught smoking in the bathroom.
The good behavior from the seniors impelled my idea of creating a similar behavior within the junior class.
The repulsion caused by the negative attitude on the volleyball court only caused more harm on our physical performance.
My aunt is an emissary for Maly's; where she sells cosmetics to solons in her designated area.
Mandela's efforts helped with the manumission of his people.
I waited 15 years from a type of massive from my father and now I realize the likelihood of that is unrealistic.
The remittance given to Native Americans can be used on anything related to their well being.
Yohita Mendez
Eight sentences
1) The emissary that was in my case was great in defending me.
2) Abraham Lincoln's manumission gave freedom to the slaves of the south.
3) The missives from her boyfriend gave her a security to her heart knowing that he is still alive.
4) Mexican immigrants come to the U.S. to remittance their money to their family in Mexico.
5) When Triana stole my money i felt compelled to hit her because I knew she stoled my money but she was lying to my face.
6) The teenager was expel from class because of his inappropriate behavior.
7) Cesar Chavez felt impelled to speak up for the rights of field workers.
8) I have a great repulsion for liars, fakers, and followers.
Obama sent his best emissary to Iraq to try to find a compromise suitable for both.
The 19th amendment led to the act of manumission of slaves in our country.
The missive sent from Cuba was a warning for us to retreat.
The remittance sent from my mother in Mexico take forever to get here.
My charming attitude compels people to always want to be around me; smiling.
My brother was expelled from here because of his bad attitude.
Although she was being ignored she was impelled to stand for what she believed.
The repulsion she felt for her sister was like poison in her mouth.
• Substitutes could be considered as emissaries for the teachers who are absent.
• Abraham Lincoln signed the papers that were the manumission.
• I send a missive to those I can’t express myself in person.
• Many people choose to remittance to their families.
• I feel I need to compel with such speed when I’m on the streets.
• My family was expel to leave some apartments because the new owner only wanted white residents.
• Sometimes I feel impelled to slap some people when they just choose to be ignorant and immature.
• I have such a disgust towards people who just are so inconsiderate of others feelings.
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