Thursday, October 1, 2009

Period 4 & 5

Read "The Wanderer" and answer the 4 questions at the end of it.


Shaeed Marshall said...

1. As a therapist, Mr.Bales was dedicated to impart outlets to problems.

2. When President Obama won his campaign, partial credit was givin to the many dedicated campaign management personel.

3. "African-American" in the phrase "The African-American Boy" is a present participle.

4. My father was an inspired partisan toward gay marriage.

5. My motor class included adjunct training such as mathematics to know proper measurements of engine parts.

6. The disjunction between bloods and crips always stir up negative actions.

7. Football includes injunctions against unsportsmanlike conduct.

8. The Native Junta spoke about situations regarding their land being tooken away from them.

Hope_Flores said...

1)The bird was ajunct with the tree,its beek got stuck in the tree.
2)The disjunction of the siamese twins was a miracle.
3)We got an injuncton for having a house show in a nice neighborhood.
4)We had to have a junta to speak about her bad grades.
5)I had to impart my criminal record to the in order to apply to the job.
6)They needed an inpartial witness to testify against the rapist.
7)Running boy is a participle of the verb runing.
8)A partisian usually runs on one side of a political campaing.