Pick one of the discussion questions below.
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- Why do you think that Dating Abuse is an important topic to discuss?
- Do you think that the reason women are physically hurt more often by males is becuase they are weaker or are there other reasons?
- Do you agree with the phrase, "There's always some type of abuse in a relationship. No relationship is ever perfect."? Explain your answer.
- Is fame really so overshadowing that ti can be an excuse for any behavior?
- Do you think that if SPA had a teen awareness month, it would actually be helpful or what do you think would be a result of an event such as this?
- Why do you think that Black people have the largest abuse rates in this article? Do you agree with the data or do you think it's racist?
BY: Dakota Smith period 5:
Why do you think that Dating Abuse is an important topic to discuss?
The reason why I think it’s an important topic is because it’s not discussed enough with the younger generation. When groups do rarely talk about it, they don’t go deep enough into it where kids can relate. They give you broad statements that are non-related to you at the time. The more people talk about it, the more people can relate. As the article('s) stated, there are all types of abuse that some kids/teens and even adults do not understand or even know about.
Is fame really so overshadowing that it can be an excuse for any behavior?
I think it is really sad because celebrities can really do whatever they want. At least the most popular celebs, that is. Once enough people love someone, nothing they really do is going to change this. Of course they are under the most scrutiny, but it doesn't really last forever. People get over things then start joking around with serious things as with the Chris Brown beating Rihanna things. I just think it's all so pathetic.
Do you think that the reason women are physically hurt more often by males is because they are weaker or are there other reasons?
*I don't believe that women are particularly weaker I believe that males in relationships have always been stereotyped as the ones in control and having the power. In other cases women are raised to take the abuse and just do whatever their husbands/partners want them to do. Also the childhood of the woman affects how they act and deal with relationships. I believe women are not necessarily weaker it all depends on their mentality and beliefs.
1) I think its important because there are some abusive relationships on campus. -Luis
Why do you think that Dating Abuse is an important topic to discuss? I think its important because it happens to about 1.5 million high school students. Since we're still in high school, I think it makes sense to bring such topic that have affected about 1.5 million student to our attention, so that we can avoid being in such situation. It's also makes sense for us student to be really aware of such thing occurring to us or to our friends and I am assuming reporting it when it seeing often or even once.Letting an adult know about such situation that occur might help a lot, which is pretty great. It's important in a lot of ways which absolutely makes sense to me because we are teenagers and we all might have experience similar things, which is not great if we have and we are aware that it's not a normal thing and it need to be reported if it occur.
3. Do you agree with the phrase, "There's always some type of abuse in a relationship. No relationship is ever perfect."? Explain your answer.
A: To a certain extent there can be some type of abuse in a relationship, however not always. There are people who exist that have relationships and do not have a form of abuse in it. But then it depends on what people perceive as abuse. To some, abuse may be an argument. Others might see that as nothing but a little conflict. Not every relationship has to have abuse in it although it is easy for it to be present. Then it is like saying that everyone is the same and so is everyone's relationship. Every relationship someone has is not going to be the same as the ones that preceded it and will not the be the same as the ones to come. It is true that no relationship is perfect however abuse isn't the necessary factor contributing to this imperfection.
3. Do you agree with the phrase, "There's always some type of abuse in a relationship. No relationship is ever perfect."? Explain your answer.
I feel that no relationship is perfect because no person is perfect. Everybody has ups and downs in a relationship even if its verbal. I feel it depends on if the partners to work it out. it donst make it ok to abuse or be abused , and it shouldn't be tolerated but I feel it depends on the individuals.
-Jacinta Washington
Is fame really overshadowing that it can be any excuse for any behavior?
A: fame can really be overshadowing because of its mass influence and wide spread exposure. These influences affect usually target youth through many forms of media. Media is one of the main communicators of the world, so it does not fade away.
In addition to the media's staying influence, there is also the way celebraties are marketed. That is, they satisfy teens minds and they physchologically feel dependent on the fame bearer's actions. Thus creating a toleration or acceptance of their actions. the actions are then acted into a cycle. The cycle then influences younger generations.
Prompt 2: Do you think that the reason women are physically hurt more often by males is becuase they are weaker or are there other reasons?
Yes, very much so. Their stature makes them much easier to physically overpower despite their typically better center of gravity. I'm not supporting or implying that it's necessarily right or wrong; I'm just stating that in most instances, males have a superior build that allows them to physically take control of a situtation. We're also better at math.
Chris Denning
I personally believe that the dating issue is the falt of the victum. Because the victum has several things they can do the stop the violence. They can press charges or call the cops. But since they choose to stay in the abusive relationship and continue letting him/her hit him/her its their falt. Even though i know its wrong to abuse someone if the abused doent take action to stop it then they might as well abuse themselfs.
Chris Denning
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