Period 4
Post Vocab sentences
Finish ACT II sc 3-5 packet
Period 5
Choose a passage from the play that you think is really important and/or that you like and/or that you think shows some of the subtle stuff and humors. Explain why you chose it and what you like about it on a piece of paper. Make sure that you cite the passage.
The protagonist in the Twelfth Night is named Viola.
All protocol were burned during the fire of October 2007.
You need a microscope to see all types of protoplasm.
The prototype was destroyed during the earthquake yesterday.
When I moved in with the Wilson family I lived in the antechamber.
Rock scientist are able to antedate all rocks.
The ante meridiem Postal Office closed down yesterday.
I sat at the Double-Decker's anterior section the whole ride home.
We have to decide who the protagonist is going to be.
We had to do it that way because it was protocol.
I missed one question on my Biology test that asked about protoplasm.
Everyone has the new action figure, but I own the Prototype.
She asked me to please wait in the antechamber.
He tried to fool me by antedating the check he wrote to me.
Breakfast is only sold ante meridiem.
The insects' eyes are located on the anterior end of the body.
week 19 vocab;;
1. In the novel, the protagonist was a girl named Erin and she was a princess.
2. People in the military have to follow a certain protocol or they will be dishonorably discharged.
3. Protplasm is essential to living.
4. A picture of the prototype of the new car was shown.
5. Most offices in big buildings have an antechamber.
6. The man got in trouble with his bank for putting an antedate on a check.
7. People who drink alcohol ante meridiem can be considered alcoholics.
8. She sat in the anterior part of the plane so she would get better service.
Grace Hilo
1. The protagonist in "Huckleberry Finn" is named Huck.
2. At court I had to sign a protocol.
3. Protoplasm is a very improtant substtance to have in you body.
4. My grandma made me a prototype quilt.
5. Im some resturants have antechamber.
6. I asume it is bad to antedate a check.
7. It is usally colder ante meridiem.
8. I got my package anterior before i was suppossed too.
Kristian Quintero
1.Wolverine, from themovie X-Men, is the protagonist.
2.John had failed to follow his protocol establishments of the Navy.
3.Protoplasm is an organic structure that is part of anything that lives.
4.The first prototype was lost, so a second one was made.
5.The inpatient women had to wait at the antechamber.
6.I had to antedate my signature on the 12th of May, but I had already signed it on the 1st of May and dated it for the 12th really early.
7.The girl had to kiss his loved one before ante meridiem.
8.The anterior section of the party bus was left dirty.
1. At the woman's appointment she was told to wait in the antechamber.
2. D-day is antedated to remember world war II.
3. Some people hate waking up during ante meridiem times of the day.
4. The anterior part of the house is light purple and the posterior part of the house is dark purple.
5. protagonist
6. I asked for the protocol and gave a copy of the results the hospital gave me to spa.
7. The protoplasm of my body were running low and i had to stay in the hospital plugged into a life support machine.
8. prototype
1).It was difficult to tell what would come of the protagonist.
2).The normal protocol in this situation is to call a manager.
3). In biology we learn about protoplasm.
4).Biology is a prototype.
5).In the antechamber he paused.
6).The anterior animal organ was not ready to use.
7). I antedate my check before cashing it.
8). At ante meridiem I eat lunch.
I was absent and didnt get the words.
1. The teacher decided to assign me the protagonist in the paly.
2. The judge asked the lawyer to send the protocol to him by the next hearing.
3 .protoplasm
4.She is the prototype of a student activist.
5.The witness was asked to wait in the antechamber.
6.Some students antedate their homework so they can get full credit.
7. Instead of saying ante meridiem some people say am.
8.There were a lot of events anterior to the outbreak of war.
samantha baca
Hector Rodriguez
The protagonist in the Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare is Viola.
My grandfather has a protocol of The Declaration of Independence.
Protoplasm’s such as, protein and water are the physical basis of living.
The power wheels in Toys R Us are used as prototypes, not to be used by the customers.
The antechamber to batman’s layer was both elegant and designed to inspire the good people in Gothom.
Bob the manager at Toys R Us antedated my check with a stamp dating 03-5-09.
She joined him in the front seat of the car’s anterior and she was delighted to spend time with him.
Ante meridian
Most Hispanics take a siesta before the ante meridiem arise.
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