Read book 22 and write a paragraph summary/response
Period 5
Post Vocab paragraph
Read book 22
Answer 1 & 2 on pg. 81 in packet
1. The hurricane winds agitated the sea. 2. The lawyer agreed to litigate lauras trial. 3. It is campus prodigal to report missing boys. 4. Synagogue is a house of worship for the jewish people also known as their church. 5. The church started to celebrate the advent this week. 6. The provenance of the ancient manuscript has never been determined. 7. The witness was located at the venue. 8. Auto racing is a venturesome sport.
Growing up in a Jewish home and going to synagogue a lot through that time there are a lot of things that I have been taught through my Rabbi. I think the most controversial issue is because I am Jewish I am a prodigal. Because there is this assumption I wish to find the provenance of this ridiculous thought. This really agitates me because it is not true and if i would I would litigate about this issue. But because there are not many venue that addresses this issue of racial profiling there are not a lot of people venturesome enough to do something about it. It cause me to want an advent that will change how people see the Jewish community. Alexis Bourassa Period 5
The advent of Maxs' life brought great pain to Anthony. Anthony's mom always favored Max, giving him all her time and attention. When Anthony found himself very annoyed by his mom and brother he would go to the synagogue to clear his thoughts but it did not help. Anthony was greatly agitated by them which caused him to be the most prodigal when watching Max. Sadly his venturesome ways caused him to be careless and he forgot to out a seatbelt on Max which killed him in the accident. Now he is on trial for murder at a venue in his town that everyone will be attending. People in town think that the relationship of Max and his mm was the provenance of Anthony's decision not to strap in his brother.
I get agitated whenever I go on the computer to check the blog and find out I have more work. It makes me want to litigate the issue and have all teachers assign homework in class. Then hopefully students will do thier homework with prodigal behaviors. It will make a classroom environment like a synagogue. The Student Award cerimony will be seen the advent of the year. The teachers will be the provenance of the students good behaviors and grades. The students that are venturesome will focus more on school instead. But new alternatives will never let the venue take place.
Susie has always been the venturesome one of our group. We all went to a synagogue late one night. The advent of prodigal behavior was about to begin! Susie was being wreck less! She did the worst and most damage of us all. She was being loud. Minutes later the cops stormed in. we were all taken to the police station. I've never been there personally. The Chief was already annoyed by us. There was no doubt that we agitated him in some way. He said that if the owners chooses to litigate, then we would need to schedule the venue where the judge has not known of us before. But the chief was the least of my worries. There was another cop with him. He was quiet, shy and there was something about him that drew my attention to him. I was standing there wondering the provenance of this quiet, handsome cop.
Delilah Dupraz Period 4 12/1/08 1.Homework gets me very agitated. 2.I don't think i could litigate if i was a lawyer. 3.The man prodical his money like it was nothing. 4. You will never see me at a synagogue. 5.The advent of Christmas is when Sanata comes. 6.The provenance of the ancient manuscript has never been determined. 7.I am very venturesome when I am alone. 8. Normally the venue is held in a court room.
Because of his prodigal behavior, she became agitated at him. Therefore, she went to the synagogue near her house. The advent of the minister made her rethink the provenance of her coming there. As a venturesome lady, she left the worship center. She did not know it was against the religion to leave and know had to attend the venue and had litigated.
1. Miley was really agitated when she lost her Hannah Montana pen. 2. When Miley lost her pen she thought that Jazmin stoled it so she decided litigate the situation. 3. When the prodigal son returned from wastefully spending his inheritance his father welcomed him with open arms. 4. My friend says that their is a synagogue down the block from where she lives at and how her family and she go worship there. 5. The advent of my aunt was the best thing that happened to us because she was safe and sound at our house. 6. The provenance of my new cat made me wonder how he was treated when he was younger. 7. My boyfriend was very venturesome because all he wanted to do was to do dangerous things that were fun at the same time. 8. The trial of the killer was at a vanue.
Agitated Loretta stormed from the synagogue. She could not believe that at such a venue such atrocities could be committed. The venturesome ways of the Rabbi could have the little place of worship shut down and then where would that leave her? She had searched this small conservative town for some liberal niche and now that would be stripped from her due to some horrible prodigal man. The church should pull together to litigate against this man but fear ran thick through the veins of the church. The advent of this Jewish temple was a welcoming blanket to Loretta's sore heart but this too failed her. Loretta stood wondering about the provenance of the evil that resided in the new Rabbi. Try as she ight should count not come to a conclusive decision as to why such a man existed.
Being a christain, i have never fully experienced what a snyagogue is really like. However I have experinced the advent many times. ihave felt many times like my mother agitated me to go to those things, but now i love going. My mom many times agreed to litigate me into not going, but now i have never asked to not go. My mom was telling me that the bible was real, but i have never onced believed it. My mom said that the provenance of the bible has never been found, but how did Peter find the bible at the venue? So when you read the bible it soon becomes a very ventursome thing to do, because it is so confusing.
1. John was very agitate when he found out his wife cheated on him. 2. The judge disagreed to litigate Kims trial. 3. It is the store owners prodigal to report a robbery. 4. Alexis B grew up going to the synagogue. 5. My mom is preparing for my brother advent next week. 6. Junes mom wondered about the provenance of this mysterious boy Junes is bring home for dinner. 7. My dad always told me that I was the venturesome of his kids. 8. The murderer was located at the venue.
1. I feel agitated when things don't go the right way. 2. She asked the lawyer to litigate her boyfriend's trial. 3. My sister was the most prodigal out of all of us. 4. Jewish people go to synagogues and Mormons go to the Temple for worship. 5. The advent of winter is coming. 6. He was from a provenance in Italy. 7. My little brother is the most venturesome because he will do anything you dare him to. 8. Her trial at the venue started at eleven this morning.
Diana Lopez Period 5 AG and VEN/VENT Paragraph The criminal was sent to jail for armed robbery. He was AGITATED at the fact that he had to stay for 90 days in jail because he needed the money to give for to the people he owed. He was a VENTURESOME man, his PROVENANCE was his father, who was worse than him. Turned out if the store decides to LITIGATE, he will be in jail for a longer time. The ADVENT of his trial was going to be held in the VENUE. In this trial he was going to see if he was going to see how many years he was going to get. He did get a bail but he never had money, he was PRODIGAL went it came to saving, he was always shopping for weapons or for drugs. One year later, when he got out of jail, he went to a SYNAGOGUE, to ask for forgiveness. The priest gave him forgiveness and he left to his family for their forgiveness. They did and he lived happily ever after.
1.The provenance of my reasearch paper was mainly from the internet. 2.My staff get very venturesome wih me sometimes. 3.We were trying to find the venue where i was goingt to be sentenced. Stop agitating the couch like that. 4.So many peolpe are tied up in litigation that it can take years to have a verdict be decided. 5.Some people can refer to myself as prodigal. 6.The jewish people were trying to find their synagoue. 7. The advent of the movie "Twlight" was huge.
Ashley Lopez Per. 5 Linda's baby shower was at a gorgeous venue. The advent of her baby this year was unexpected. Because she is newly wed and young. during the shower we tried not to agitate her because she is far along in her pregnancy. Even though she was already worried. The provenance of her worries was her husband, he was dealing with a prodigal expense that he could explain at the synagogue. Her husband is in charge of financing the money for the synagogue. She couldn't enjoy her shower what so ever, because she was worried if they were going to litigate the problem. Linda's husband never had venturesome intentions of this happening especially with the baby on the way. The just have to wait and see the outcome. But for now she has to enjoy her shower while it last.
agitated:I was highly at mat when he was playins with my homework when i had to turn it in. litigate:If i chooses to litigate, i will recive 2 million dollers for taco bell for exposing the to icoly. prodigal:Mr. and Mis.smith are very prodigal because they have a 18 beddroom home when they are the only ones living in the house. synagogue:Their have been killings,robberies,and many other shameful thing. The synagogue is the safest place with in the comunity were people can come and not worrie about the outside world. advent:Chrismas is a holiday that will advent soon. venturesome:The most venturesome event i have ever done was sky-diving. venue:The venue were the councert took place was very small. provenance:When the arceologust were diging they found many artifacts and wounderd of their provenance.
1. The hurricane winds agitated the sea.
2. The lawyer agreed to litigate lauras trial.
3. It is campus prodigal to report missing boys.
4. Synagogue is a house of worship for the jewish people also known as their church.
5. The church started to celebrate the advent this week.
6. The provenance of the ancient manuscript has never been determined.
7. The witness was located at the venue.
8. Auto racing is a venturesome sport.
-samantha baca
period 4
Growing up in a Jewish home and going to synagogue a lot through that time there are a lot of things that I have been taught through my Rabbi. I think the most controversial issue is because I am Jewish I am a prodigal. Because there is this assumption I wish to find the provenance of this ridiculous thought. This really agitates me because it is not true and if i would I would litigate about this issue. But because there are not many venue that addresses this issue of racial profiling there are not a lot of people venturesome enough to do something about it. It cause me to want an advent that will change how people see the Jewish community.
Alexis Bourassa
Period 5
The advent of Maxs' life brought great pain to Anthony. Anthony's mom always favored Max, giving him all her time and attention. When Anthony found himself very annoyed by his mom and brother he would go to the synagogue to clear his thoughts but it did not help. Anthony was greatly agitated by them which caused him to be the most prodigal when watching Max. Sadly his venturesome ways caused him to be careless and he forgot to out a seatbelt on Max which killed him in the accident. Now he is on trial for murder at a venue in his town that everyone will be attending. People in town think that the relationship of Max and his mm was the provenance of Anthony's decision not to strap in his brother.
Simone Hidds Per. 5
Dachuray Davis per.5
I get agitated whenever I go on the computer to check the blog and find out I have more work. It makes me want to litigate the issue and have all teachers assign homework in class. Then hopefully students will do thier homework with prodigal behaviors. It will make a classroom environment like a synagogue. The Student Award cerimony will be seen the advent of the year. The teachers will be the provenance of the students good behaviors and grades. The students that are venturesome will focus more on school instead. But new alternatives will never let the venue take place.
dachuray fixing my errors
The Student Award cerimony will be seen AS the advent of the year.
Susie has always been the venturesome one of our group. We all went to a synagogue late one night. The advent of prodigal behavior was about to begin! Susie was being wreck less! She did the worst and most damage of us all. She was being loud. Minutes later the cops stormed in. we were all taken to the police station. I've never been there personally. The Chief was already annoyed by us. There was no doubt that we agitated him in some way. He said that if the owners chooses to litigate, then we would need to schedule the venue where the judge has not known of us before. But the chief was the least of my worries. There was another cop with him. He was quiet, shy and there was something about him that drew my attention to him. I was standing there wondering the provenance of this quiet, handsome cop.
Leilani Vo
Period 5
Delilah Dupraz Period 4 12/1/08
1.Homework gets me very agitated.
2.I don't think i could litigate if i was a lawyer.
3.The man prodical his money like it was nothing.
4. You will never see me at a synagogue.
5.The advent of Christmas is when Sanata comes.
6.The provenance of the ancient manuscript has never been determined.
7.I am very venturesome when I am alone.
8. Normally the venue is held in a court room.
Because of his prodigal behavior, she became agitated at him. Therefore, she went to the synagogue near her house. The advent of the minister made her rethink the provenance of her coming there. As a venturesome lady, she left the worship center. She did not know it was against the religion to leave and know had to attend the venue and had litigated.
1. Miley was really agitated when she lost her Hannah Montana pen.
2. When Miley lost her pen she thought that Jazmin stoled it so she decided litigate the situation.
3. When the prodigal son returned from wastefully spending his inheritance his father welcomed him with open arms.
4. My friend says that their is a synagogue down the block from where she lives at and how her family and she go worship there.
5. The advent of my aunt was the best thing that happened to us because she was safe and sound at our house.
6. The provenance of my new cat made me wonder how he was treated when he was younger.
7. My boyfriend was very venturesome because all he wanted to do was to do dangerous things that were fun at the same time.
8. The trial of the killer was at a vanue.
-Jazmin Casas
period 4th
Agitated Loretta stormed from the synagogue. She could not believe that at such a venue such atrocities could be committed. The venturesome ways of the Rabbi could have the little place of worship shut down and then where would that leave her? She had searched this small conservative town for some liberal niche and now that would be stripped from her due to some horrible prodigal man. The church should pull together to litigate against this man but fear ran thick through the veins of the church. The advent of this Jewish temple was a welcoming blanket to Loretta's sore heart but this too failed her. Loretta stood wondering about the provenance of the evil that resided in the new Rabbi. Try as she ight should count not come to a conclusive decision as to why such a man existed.
Being a christain, i have never fully experienced what a snyagogue is really like. However I have experinced the advent many times. ihave felt many times like my mother agitated me to go to those things, but now i love going. My mom many times agreed to litigate me into not going, but now i have never asked to not go. My mom was telling me that the bible was real, but i have never onced believed it. My mom said that the provenance of the bible has never been found, but how did Peter find the bible at the venue? So when you read the bible it soon becomes a very ventursome thing to do, because it is so confusing.
Grace Hilo
Period 4.
1. John was very agitate when he found out his wife cheated on him.
2. The judge disagreed to litigate Kims trial.
3. It is the store owners prodigal to report a robbery.
4. Alexis B grew up going to the synagogue.
5. My mom is preparing for my brother advent next week.
6. Junes mom wondered about the provenance of this mysterious boy Junes is bring home for dinner.
7. My dad always told me that I was the venturesome of his kids.
8. The murderer was located at the venue.
Week 5 Words!!!
1. I feel agitated when things don't go the right way.
2. She asked the lawyer to litigate her boyfriend's trial.
3. My sister was the most prodigal out of all of us.
4. Jewish people go to synagogues and Mormons go to the Temple for worship.
5. The advent of winter is coming.
6. He was from a provenance in Italy.
7. My little brother is the most venturesome because he will do anything you dare him to.
8. Her trial at the venue started at eleven this morning.
Diana Lopez Period 5
AG and VEN/VENT Paragraph
The criminal was sent to jail for armed robbery. He was AGITATED at the fact that he had to stay for 90 days in jail because he needed the money to give for to the people he owed. He was a VENTURESOME man, his PROVENANCE was his father, who was worse than him. Turned out if the store decides to LITIGATE, he will be in jail for a longer time. The ADVENT of his trial was going to be held in the VENUE. In this trial he was going to see if he was going to see how many years he was going to get. He did get a bail but he never had money, he was PRODIGAL went it came to saving, he was always shopping for weapons or for drugs. One year later, when he got out of jail, he went to a SYNAGOGUE, to ask for forgiveness. The priest gave him forgiveness and he left to his family for their forgiveness. They did and he lived happily ever after.
Agitate: Walk slower so that you dont agitate the animals.
Litigate: The two lawyer had to.
litigate the case.
Prodigal: She acted quite prodigal with her allowence money.
Synagogue: Go to bed because we have to be at the synagogue bright and early.
Advent: The advent of Summer was clear.
Provenance: The police are not allowed to tell their provenance of information.
Ventursome: Juju has been feeling venturesome lately.
Venue: If it rains, we will have to change our venue.
1.The provenance of my reasearch paper was mainly from the internet.
2.My staff get very venturesome wih me sometimes.
3.We were trying to find the venue where i was goingt to be sentenced.
Stop agitating the couch like that.
4.So many peolpe are tied up in litigation that it can take years to have a verdict be decided.
5.Some people can refer to myself as prodigal.
6.The jewish people were trying to find their synagoue.
7. The advent of the movie "Twlight" was huge.
By:Jeremy M
Period 4
Ashley Lopez
Per. 5
Linda's baby shower was at a gorgeous venue. The advent of her baby this year was unexpected. Because she is newly wed and young. during the shower we tried not to agitate her because she is far along in her pregnancy. Even though she was already worried. The provenance of her worries was her husband, he was dealing with a prodigal expense that he could explain at the synagogue. Her husband is in charge of financing the money for the synagogue. She couldn't enjoy her shower what so ever, because she was worried if they were going to litigate the problem. Linda's husband never had venturesome intentions of this happening especially with the baby on the way. The just have to wait and see the outcome. But for now she has to enjoy her shower while it last.
hector rodriguez p.4 12-2-08
agitated:I was highly at mat when he was playins with my homework when i had to turn it in.
litigate:If i chooses to litigate, i will recive 2 million dollers for taco bell for exposing the to icoly.
prodigal:Mr. and Mis.smith are very prodigal because they have a 18 beddroom home when they are the only ones living in the house.
synagogue:Their have been killings,robberies,and many other shameful thing. The synagogue is the safest place with in the comunity were people can come and not worrie about the outside world.
advent:Chrismas is a holiday that will advent soon.
venturesome:The most venturesome event i have ever done was sky-diving.
venue:The venue were the councert took place was very small.
provenance:When the arceologust were diging they found many artifacts and wounderd of their provenance.
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