- Post vocabulary sentences on blog. The words are Gravity, alleviate, leavening, gravid, levity, elevate, gravitas, gravitate.
- Study for Vocab Quiz
- Read the background packet for The Iliad.
- Complete the READER'S NOTEBOOK IN The Iliad Packet
- Read Book 18 in The Iliad Packet
Period 5
- Post vocabulary sentences on blog. The words are Gravity, alleviate, leavening, gravid, levity, elevate, gravitas, gravitate.
- Study for Vocab Quiz
- Read the background packet for The Iliad.
- Complete the READER'S NOTEBOOK IN The Iliad Packet
- Read Book 18 in The Iliad Packet
Ashley Lopez
1. Melissa is gravid with Tony's baby.
2. Tia carries herslef with great grgavitas to show a good example for the kids.
3. On Valentines Day people tend to gravitate towards their significant others.
4. The fight was of great gravity because they victim was seriously injured.
5. To alleviate my work load for the weekend i got a head start today.
6. i need to elevate my grade in english if i want to get of two hour.
7. The humar at the dinner table was leavening the tension between my parents.
8. The kids levity at the funeral was unnecessary.
Rosiee Benninghoff
Period 5 11/30/08
1. The girl is gravid, and her baby is due on October 30.
2. She was very gravitas when she said she was done with him.
3. It was like a gravitate force that drew her to go shopping.
4. This was a gravity situation because they both got hurt.
5. She took some pills to alleviate her headache.
6. When he hurt his ankle the doctor told him to elevate.
7. He was leavening the situation by making jokes.
8. Her response to the brake up was very levity, she laughed it off.
Diana Lopez
1. The robber was GRAVITAS to the bank because it was the second one that week.
2. The teenage woman was GRAVID and in pain.
3. The GRAVITY of the problem was very high of importance to the police because it was a life or death situation.
4. The child was taken away from her mother when she was just an infant, but GRAVITATE led them together once again.
5. The insurance they got ALLEVIATED the bill and payed for all of the medication needed.
6. The injured football player had to ELEVATE his foot to reduce the swelling and to ice it.
7. The party was lame but the host's child was LEAVENING to the guests.
8. There was no LEVITY towards the other banks when Union Bank of California got robbed.
Delilah Dupraz Period 4 11/30/08
1.The boy was gravid with his friend about the toy.
2.She was gravitas when the boy found out she was on her period.
3.Many types of animals gravitate.
4.The workers in the salon didn't realize the gravity of the problem of the girls hair.
5.I tried to alleviate the problem by having the girls talk out their problems.
6.I need to elevate my grades quickly and stop slacking.
7. She was leavening me with music and it eased me.
8.The savage kids lavity frustrated the mother.
School was a gravity to the girl because with good grades she could go to her dream school, Harvard. Unlike her, the new boy couldn't stand school and the girl's gravitas attitude about doing so well annoyed him. To him, school should not be taken that serious. The boys' levity in the classroom, joking and being a disruptance annoyed the girl causing her not to gravitate towards him like she usually did with new people. To alleviate her dislike towards him, the girl tried to elevate his efforts in the classroom by sitting with him and being partners. Successfully, the boys' grades began leavening due to his hard work.
Simone Hidds Per. 5
1. Jeffrey took Tylenol to alleviate the pain in his stomach.
2. When you bruise up your leg, you have to elevate it and ice it.
3. The leavening sound of Enya helped them sleep.
4. The gravid woman was caught smoking and drinking.
5. The drunk men showed levity at the funeral.
6. Lots of teachers show gravitas around the students.
7. When it is hot, everyone seems to gravitate toward shade and cool.
8. Newton proved figured out about gravity because of a falling apple.
Leilani Vo
Period 5
Gravitas: The girl expressed herself with gravitas.
Gravitate: The NFL needs to gravitate more fans to make more money.
Alleviate: someone needs to go alleviate the baby.
Elevate: You must be able to elevate to play basketball.
Leavening: Leavening the pain easy not an easy task for the doctor.
Levity: The judge did not appreciate the girl's levity.
Gravid: The two People were gravid with love for each other.
1. GRAVID: The lady was gravid with twins.
2. GRAVITAS: As the male of the family, he had to show his attitude with gravitas.
3. GRAVITATE: During holiday's, our family tends to gravitate towards each other.
4. GRAVITY: The gravity that pulls us together is the love we have for one another.
5. ALLEVIATE:In order to alleviate the pain she had to ice her hand for 20 minutes.
6. ELEVATE: He had to ice and elevate his knee because he injured it playing baskeball and had to stretch his muscle out.
7. LEAVENING: Math is a slow learning process but our teacher uses the leavening of humor to make it a funner experience.
8. LEVITY: The students behavior has levity and therefore now has detention.
Grace Hilo
Per. 4
1. I'm very gravid with my sister's kid.
2. My aunt gravitas so we can follow in her footsteps.
3. During the winter I gravitate towards the winter.
4. My aunt was mad at me with great gravity because I failed all my classes.
5. To alleviate my class and school work I'm a T.A. for two classes.
6. I feel like I need to elevated my grade in english and government.
7. i was leavening the anger between my cousin and her ex.
8. My nephews levity in the court room was very in appropriate.
Eleniel was gravid with worry for herself and her daughter. In addition, the prince,Lalaithio, did not seem to grasp the gravity of their situation nor the dangers they would soon face. Lalaithio argued incessantly over elevating the status of luxury in which they traveled, treating the journey with great levity. Regardless of his annoyance at times, Eleniel enjoyed his company. Indeed, they often tended to unconsciously gravitate towards one another and were rarely seen apart. They traveled to ForĂȘt des Elfes, the land of the elves, and had no time to spare which led to much stress on Eleniel's behalf. During this time, Lalaithio always delivered a light heartedness that was otherwise uncommon. The levity of spirits which followed in his wake spread ease and smiles throughout the group. Whenever Eleniel carried herself with gravitas, he would smile and lightly tease her manner leading her to let her serious demeanor drop and join the rest of the group in smiling.
gravitas: the police man gravitas to find criminals in the act of crime, to send them to jail
gravitated:josh was being gravitated by a 50 foot fan.
gravity:Roy is going to fight an unknown man,but the situation was gravity because the man is a pro boxer.
alleviate:In order to alleviate my broken-hands pain, i had ton take a vikadin to alleviate the pain.
elevated:I was a normal employ at jack in the box, but with in 2 mounts i was elevated to a managers position.
leavening:The Quintin Jamers thanksgiving event was not as fun, but the leavening speech was the highlight of the night.
gravid:The gravid lady was craving candy at 12 a clock at night
levity:Mcdonals got robbed and jack in the box levitated the situation because it was not their compony.
dachuray p5
1 The fat mans belly looks like a gravid womans'.
2 The snake began to gravitate in the soil.
3 The older woman acts gravitas around younger people.
4 In outterspace there is no gravity.
5 Many people sudy before a test to alleviate their nervousness.
6 My ears began to pop as we elevated up the mountain.
7 Cake rises in the oven because egg causes leavening when it is heated up.
8 The baloons levity causes it to float in water.
Michelle Kirkbride
Period 5
1. My cousin was gravid when she had her baby.
2.My sister has a high gravitas for her kids to teach them to do well.
3.When my family is cold we tend to gravitate to the fire.
4.When you throw a ball in the air, the gravity will pull it down.
5.When my mom died, it took a while to allevitate the hurt that was caused.
6.The ski lift had to elevate to get to the top of the mountian.
7. Cartoons were leavening me when I had a fight with my mom a couple minutes before i turned them on.
8. My brother is very levity when we fight.
1.John felt that the gravitas were pulling him back from social work with other people.
2.When the fires occurred, the San Pasqual students had to gravitate to Green Oaks Ranch.
3.I was full of gravity when San Pasqual lost against Borrego in football.
4.My mother, Sandy, was gravid about a month and a half ago.
5.The root canal that I got done today was painfull. I got rid of the pain when they proscribed me with Tylenol #3. It alleviated the pain.
6.Christian's beleive that the holy spirit elevates them from saddness.
7.The comedy show was leavening to many audience listiners.
8.When my brother goes to parties, he lacks of levity.
Kristian Quintero Per-3
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